Bujinkan Clothing
Historical ninja were known to wear dark red or dark blue suits (common and visually better for hiding in the night), or even green and yellow ones (to match the bamboo that often grew during fall). The uniform traditionnaly worn by modern practitionners of all forms of Ninjutsu is a type of black cotton keikogi, fitted loosely to allow freedom of movement. A belt, or Obi, is wrapped around the jacket and is indicative of the rank (White for beginners; Green for male Kyū ranks; Red for female Kyū ranks; and Black for Dan ranks). A felt patch reflecting the practitionner's rank is also applied close to the heart:
The ninja outfit is complemented by Tabi (for indoor use only) or Jika Tabi (for outdoor use only), split-toed ankle-high boots that improves gripping, wall/rope climbing and silent walking. Optionally, you can also wear a pair of Tekko, a protective forearm-and-hand sleeve and Kyahan, which fasten the bottom of the trousers to the ankles.
For trial classes, if you are not equipped, you will be expected to wear at minima black sweatpants, black socks, and a black t-shirt when attending classes in our Dōjō.
Weapons in Bujinkan
Modern Budō Taijutsu makes use of a very wide variety of weapons to teach various distances as variations similar techniques or concepts, contained in the Buki Waza section of our teaching program. The shortest distance for a technique is Taijutsu (unarmed), and distances are then taught from the shortest weapons to the longest (Tantō, Shōtō, Hanbō, Bokken, Jō, Bō, Yari and Naginata). Each of these wooden weapons also exists in a padded version that we may use for safe training. It is recommended that practitionners acquire their own set of weapons and brings them whenever a weapons class is scheduled by the instructor.

In addition, there are many other weapons that are not part of the basic program but are widely used in the nine Ryūha: the Jutte (non bladed weapon with a single prong to capture parts of the body), the Nawa (rope), the Kusari-Fundo (weighted chain), the Kusari Gama (sickle with chain), the Kunai (a bladed digging tool) as well various versions of Shuriken (throwing weapons).
Annual License
StudentAED 100 InstructorAED 250
The annual Bujinkan Fudō-myōō Dōjō licenses include the Hombu Dōjō membership (for our students), or Shidōshikai membership (for our instructors) and are valid for a calendar year.
Classes Fees
Regular Class FeeAED 70 Advanced Class FeeAED 140
Classes are payable by 10 Class package. Shidōshis are exempt of class fees.
Belt (White/Green/Red)AED 45 Belt (Black)AED 44
Kyū Rank PatchAED 100 Kyū Rank CertificateAED 100
Dan Rank PatchAED 100 Dan Rank CertificateContact Us
Shidōshi-Ho CertificateContact Us Shidōshi CertificateContact Us
Once you have successfully met all the requirements for advancing in rank, you will be awarded a "temporary" certificate from Bujinkan Fudō-Myōō Dōjō to formalize your grade promotion and your official certificate from Hombu Dōjō (Japan) will be ordered. Only members of Hombu Dōjō in good standing may receive such a certificate; and only certificate delivered by Hombu Dōjō are recognized internationally.
Uniforms & Clothing
Black KeikogiAED 160 Garment TabiAED 120
Tabi SocksAED 21 Jika Tabi*AED 177
Bujinkan Fudō-myōō Dōjō does not sell Uniforms. Click on each item above to be redirected to a recommended supplier for this specific item. Prices in AED are indicative only. Items marked with an asterisk (*) are optional.
Bujinkan Fudō-myōō Dōjō T-Shirts
We have developped a line of Dōjō Jerseys in collaboration with Manatee, a world leader in e-sports clothing. These can be ordered online through their webstore. Please make sure you that you pick the jersey matching your rank, and check the sizing before ordering.
Bō (Oak)AED 150 Bō (Padded)AED 240
Jō (Oak)AED 90 Jō (Padded)AED 200
Hanbō (Oak)AED 80 Hanbō (Padded)AED 160
Bokken (Oak)AED 80 Bokken (Padded)AED 430 Shōtō (Oak)AED 50 Shōtō (Padded)AED 320 Tantō (Oak)AED 40 Tantō (Padded)AED 160Hira Shuriken (Rubber)AED 100 Plastic SayaAED 70
Kusari FundoAED 100 Hojōjutsu NawaAED 60
Bujinkan Fudō-myōō Dōjō does not sell Weapons. Click on each item above to be redirected to a recommended supplier for this specific item. Prices are indicative only.